Emergency Snow Removal in Matheson

Emergency Snow Removal in Matheson

If you've had a big snowfall in your area and you're wondering if your roof can stand the extra weight, don't reach for a ladder and a shovel; reach for the telephone. Calling in a professional to remove ice and snow from your roof is the smartest and safest option. That's because wet snow is considerably heavier than dry, fluffy snow. In fact, six inches of wet snow is equal to the weight of about 38 inches of dry snow.

Residential and Commercial Snow and Ice Removal

If your house suffers from recurring ice dams and you need a short-term solution, you need to get the snow off of your roof. Roof snow removal can be a dangerous job, and if it's not done correctly ice dams can come back even worse and in potentially more damaging ways. Moreover, an inexperienced roof shoveller can also cause a lot of damage to the roof system itself. Instead of putting yourself or your roof at risk let the ice dam removal pros handle it.

Free Quotes on Roof Shovelling

Send us a picture of the snow on your roof along with details such as height of roof and volume of snow, and we'll get back to you with a quote. Our prices start from $180. Call us for snow removal as well as emergency services in Matheson.

Please note that we'll need to give priority to ice dam removal jobs when there's heavy demand, since it's usually an emergency or near-emergency.

When Is Roof Snow Removal a Really Good Idea?

Having an experienced professional remove the snow and ice off your roof is the right choice to make when:

  • Snowstorm dropped 6+ inches of snow on your roof

  • Your roof has 6+ inches of snow from several storms

  • You have a flat roof

  • You've had a history of problems with attic insulation and/or ice dams